Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Calgary Elects Canada's First Muslim Mayor

I'm really quite surprised by this story and I really don't know what it means outside of the fact that it's a first. I lived in Alberta for 19 years before I left for Russia and the EU and it's safe to say that it can't have changed that much in 7 years! And actually, it doesn't appear to have with few other upsets in this election cycle.

But one thing I'm pretty good at is being totally and completely wrong. Good luck Calgary!

If you don't know the name Naheed Nenshi, take note.
A grassroots campaign driven by volunteers has delivered Canada its first Muslim mayor – Mr. Nenshi, who scored a staggering win in Calgary’s mayor’s race Monday.
He defeated two better-funded candidates, including one backed by Stephen Harper’s campaign team, and saw his support surge in the final few weeks. To say Mr. Nenshi's campaign was austere is understatement – he delivered his speech in a basement that was donated by a supporter at the last second.
The 38-year-old Mr. Nenshi survived a smear campaign and a telephone failure in the crucial final days and hours, before running away with what was to be a close vote. His candidacy was branded the “Purple Revolution,” named for his campaign colour and driven by a broad demographic that included strong youth support. He achieved what many observers thought impossible – a wonkish, even dorky, academic and visible minority elected to the helm of what is often called Canada's most conservative city after a campaign driven by charisma and sheer determination.
His win also proves that the Internet is a key tool in politics and does indeed deliver support – Mr. Nenshi had far more Facebook friends than either of his main competitors, who themselves dismissed that support, saying it wouldn't translate into actual votes.
But Mr. Nenshi had 39 per cent of the vote with 229 of 241 polls reporting, followed closely by alderman Ric McIver with 32 per cent and former CTV anchor Barb Higgins with 26 per cent. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dylan Ratigan's epic "Morning Joe" rant

It’s unfortunate that you have to witness Bill O’Reilly’s hate speech on The View before you get to listen to Dylan Ratigan blow a head gasket on Morning Joe but I suppose you can always zip to the 2:30 point! It’s really, really worth it.

So go here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Breaking News?

I was happily watching the Sarah Palin endorsed soon to be indicted for campaign fraud sexy moaner ex-witch Christine O’Donnell (so crazy that girl!) debate Chris Coons at the University of Delaware on CNN and simultaneously following the live blog on the Wonkette, drink in hand, when Elliot Spitzers disgraced bony face suddenly filled my old skool Sony Trinitron teevee screen and without further ado it was all Chilean miners getting pulled from the earth! And even after the 33rd miner was sent packing to the hospital wearing his $450 Ray-bans it’s still on CNN as of this writing only Anderson Cooper has taken over the shift! I’m told I could have picked up the debate on C-Span but I don’t have that so I have to go to places like the Huffpo just to receive enough bits and pieces to keep me interested. Which I’m not, anymore.

I can’t even be bothered to turn up the volume and check out what these talking heads are babbling about now because it can’t possibly be anything important! Unless it’s the several rescuers still downhole. Talk about milking a story, the rolling text tells me that the 5th rescue worker is now topside and there is still 1 down below.
*sigh* The 24 hour news cycle demands raw meat and so it goes in perpetuity only broken by “Luke” selling Mr. Sushi to his Hong Kong client, or was it Ironman standing up to that washed up actor who looks like formaldehyde smells. Or perhaps it was "Flo" selling insurance for Progressive.
I can’t tell anymore.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Immigrating to Manitoba (Canada)!

I really wanted to post something about my hobby of American politics tonight (such a rich field of crrrrazy!) but lately my world has been all about a very close personal relatives immigration travails, so I decided to write a bit about that. Don’t expect too many helpful posts on this blog as my agenda is all about amusing myself at everyone else's expense, so be advised.
This will be short as overall it’s not really that complicated relatively speaking although the volume of information required varies wildly depending on personal circumstances, as long as one avoids certain side streets and pitfalls it is doable. My relative is Russian by the way but it doesn’t really matter.
Don’t put any credence in what you pull off the internet (haha, and where are you right now!?) It will either be outdated, or outdated. That goes for both advise or docs and it won’t matter if it’s a site or a third party. After hours of dealing with a government phone robot you’ll just end up with a bloated paper package in the mail that you will never properly nuance without professional help anyway. 
Regardless of whether you apply from outside the country or inside, call an Immigrant Centre in the Province you wish to immigrate to. For instance if Manitoba is your choice call the “Immigrant Centre” at 100 Adelaide Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 0W2. (phone) 204-943-9969 EXT 250. Ask for an “Settlement Facilitator” and go from there. These professional people are there to help you, for free!
This will be a close personal contact which will stay with you and cut through months of confusion and when you see how much the application process will cost and the possibility of losing your investment should you make a misstep you will appreciate the close personal contact afforded by the Facilitator.
The Facilitator will listen to your story, provide the relevant up to date docs and walk you through the process of filling them out and sending them in to the government. This advise is invaluable but have all your info at hand and don’t try to fake it! 
Be ready to pay some fees up front. As an example an application for Permanent Residence Spouse or Common Law Partner is CAN 1,050 (9 to 18 months to process). The application to Work is Can 150 (6 to 8 months). A criminal check from your country of origin will vary but for Russian Federation it was CAN 120 plus UPS charges (1 month to process). Medical check was CAN 260 (if applying in Canada you’ll have to use a designated Medical Practitioner.) 
And wait. It’s pretty much the same in most countries regardless of what you hear, it takes time.
There’s a lot more to this of course, the Devil is in the details! You need money and support primarily but my intention was to simply provide a bare bones outline of the simplest procedure that I know of, that of an Application for Permanent Residence from Within Canada, Spouse or Common-Law Partner In Canada Class. Don’t expect it to get any easier than this.
So from that, if you have been paying attention, you should be able to figure out that this “relative” is in fact my wife. If you didn’t catch that you’re probably on Team Sarah.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So Here We Go Again!

OK! After two thousand two hundred and fifty eight (2,258) days abroad I’ve finally returned to Canada and as of this writing have racked up fifty three (53) days in country. Yup, fifty three.
During this admittedly short period of time I’ve learned how to get around my new city of Winnipeg and after a brief but intense and soul destroying effort to re-establish my identity and acquire new docs like driving license and health care card to name but two, I very much appreciate the little things that take the form of shopping at the Dollar Store or my regular visits to the local Music Exchange for pre-owned music, being unemployed and all. I also like to give blood for coffee money and donuts and am not above hawking fake RCMP criminal record checks and diplomas of higher learning behind some of the more vibrant beverage and pool halls on Portage & Main. Re-patriating hasn’t been a smooth process but then I left in a messy way so what goes around comes around. As a cautionary tale to the uninitiated I’ll write more about that in future I suppose but that’s not the purpose of this blog.
It’s odd but I truly did not think I would be returning to Canada! Realistically it had to happen but I was in denial over the actual event and now I’m forced to try and reason out the last few years and deal with my transition from east to west. And vodka here is a stunning $23 per 26oz, clearly a challenge!
But I’ll tell you this before we go much further. After living in Russia and various places in the EU and Asia Canada seems very much like a movie set to me. A little bit unreal and confusing, like a Tim Burton flick.
And so that’s the real reason behind this new blog, to tear the gauze curtain of group think from both your eyes and mine since in this fact free era of shills and con men clear vision is a survival trait that must be taught and nurtured like a frail green shoot in a gail force onslaught of Faux News Tea Buggery. Is that a word, buggery? Anyway I like politics and the moral vacuum that it operates in so expect lots of that.
So hello and bear with me while I get things set up.