OK! After two thousand two hundred and fifty eight (2,258) days abroad I’ve finally returned to Canada and as of this writing have racked up fifty three (53) days in country. Yup, fifty three.
During this admittedly short period of time I’ve learned how to get around my new city of Winnipeg and after a brief but intense and soul destroying effort to re-establish my identity and acquire new docs like driving license and health care card to name but two, I very much appreciate the little things that take the form of shopping at the Dollar Store or my regular visits to the local Music Exchange for pre-owned music, being unemployed and all. I also like to give blood for coffee money and donuts and am not above hawking fake RCMP criminal record checks and diplomas of higher learning behind some of the more vibrant beverage and pool halls on Portage & Main. Re-patriating hasn’t been a smooth process but then I left in a messy way so what goes around comes around. As a cautionary tale to the uninitiated I’ll write more about that in future I suppose but that’s not the purpose of this blog.
It’s odd but I truly did not think I would be returning to Canada! Realistically it had to happen but I was in denial over the actual event and now I’m forced to try and reason out the last few years and deal with my transition from east to west. And vodka here is a stunning $23 per 26oz, clearly a challenge!
But I’ll tell you this before we go much further. After living in Russia and various places in the EU and Asia Canada seems very much like a movie set to me. A little bit unreal and confusing, like a Tim Burton flick.
And so that’s the real reason behind this new blog, to tear the gauze curtain of group think from both your eyes and mine since in this fact free era of shills and con men clear vision is a survival trait that must be taught and nurtured like a frail green shoot in a gail force onslaught of Faux News Tea Buggery. Is that a word, buggery? Anyway I like politics and the moral vacuum that it operates in so expect lots of that.
So hello and bear with me while I get things set up.