Hah! Fooled yah! It's not an a real American singer but Putin apologist and celebutard Steven Seagal, "America's Favorite Douche Bag!"
MH17 Crash Forces Estonian BluesFestival To Drop Putin Supporter Steven Seagal From Bill
Steven Seagal has been dropped from the bill at an Estonian blues festival, with organisers made nervous by his ongoing support for Russian premier Vladimir Putin and his position regarding the Crimean peninsula.
With the deepening international crisis following the downing of Malaysian Airlines' flight MH17 on Thursday, schedulers have decided to replace the martial arts actor turned blues musician, due to public unrest over the situation in this part of the world.
Seagal's relationship with the Russian president has flourished since he was drafted in to help launch a national fitness programme, and their shared interest in martial arts has led to a series of celebratory photo-calls.
Further, Seagal has spoken out in political support of Putin. The Guardian quotes him saying to a Russian outlet, "He's one of the greatest world leaders alive today. I consider him my friend."
Seagal reportedly added that Russian's annexation of Crimea was "entirely reasonable".
Estonia's foreign minister, Urmas Paet, told Tallinn's newspaper Delfi: "Steven Seagal has become active in politics in the last few months in a manner not befitting a world which honours states based on the rule of law."
Although all eyes are currently on the Ukraine, where rescue workers continue to go through the wreckage of MH17, and international communities await anxiously the return of their victims of the crash, Estonia is understandably on edge, with Putin on the record calling to protect Russian populations in post-Soviet states.
No word yet on who will replace Mr Seagal, although it's probably safe to say it won't be Gerard Depardieu, another infamous Russian supporter.
Steven Seagal is a noted misogynist and coward who I won't bother bashing again as I have posted about him before. What is interesting however is how outspoken non-Russian supporters of the Putin regime are maybe starting to feel the heat in the international arena. Sure, it's just a music festival and he isn't exactly on a black list of persona non-grata like what Latvia has recently applied to Oleg gazmanov, Joseph Kobzon and Allu Perfilova (stage name - Valerie) but it's a welcome start. Now if they could just add some intellectuals like Stephen Cohen I would see it as a positive development.
who supports state sponsored terrorism.
In todays climate of a rampant and out of control Putin led Russia (Pooty currently has the highest approval ratings in 14 years if you can trust the numbers) I support any and all measures taken by countries of the EU to put the gears to anyone
Blogger is such a shit platform I'll be surprised if anyone can read this post. I need to move evrything over to Worpress without losing it. Anyone?
I don't think you can export from a basic Blogger acct to a Worpress one. But yes, Worpress would be a better platform.
ReplyDeleteI'll probably just idle this blog when I leave Latvia and start another on Wordpress dedicated to Italy with a link back here since I will pereiodically probably have reasons to post.