Saturday, October 8, 2016

Donald Trump Likes Pussy

American politics. What a show! Even as the Putin caravan of penis envy continues to provoke conflict everywhere that might conceivably bring it up against US interests it is still eclipsed by America's preoccupation with being entertained by an orange monster so thoroughly despicable as to defy description.

Donald Trump was born for one reason and one reason only and that was to run for President of the United States as the Republican nominee in 2016 and by doing so drag America's face through a bag of hammers. Lady Liberty is going to wake up from this party with smeared mascara and a split lip. 

But will he make it? His act is so outrageous he may not survive to the finish line on November 8 being replaced by Mike Pence in a last minute hail Mary by an imploding GOP. Realistically (HA, does not apply here) I don't think that will happen. I think The Donald will pull one final act of pure crazy and simply walk away from the whole thing at the very last minute after declaring it "rigged against me."

Not likely you say? The man is remarkably thin skinned and doesn't seem to think anything he does or says can negatively impact his brand. He's 70 after all and has been in character for a long time, maybe he just doesn't care what he leaves behind. I wonder what his feral kids think about that?

EDIT: the very last minute...

1 comment:

  1. мое свидетельство всем привет. Я здесь, чтобы засвидетельствовать, как я получил ссуду от г-на. Бенджамин после того, как я несколько раз обращался к различным кредиторам, которые обещали помочь, но так и не дали мне ссуду. пока мой друг не представил меня г-ну Бенджамину Ли, пообещал помочь мне, и действительно он сделал, как он обещал, без каких-либо задержек. Я никогда не думал, что все еще есть надежные кредиторы, пока я не встретил г-на. Бенджамин Ли, который действительно помог с ссудой и изменил мое мнение. Я не знаю, нужна ли вам настоящая и срочная ссуда, не стесняйтесь обращаться к г-ну. Бенджамин через WhatsApp + 1-989-394-3740 и его электронную почту:, спасибо.
