How galling it must be to be anointed a God in human form and if not then certainly a Grand Chess Master without parallel. A Machiavellian leader sitting astride the resurgent Russian State wearing the gleaming armor of righteousness provided by his old chum Patriarch Kirill. Adored by ovulating women. Admired, bigly, by all real men. Rich beyond rich, corrupt beyond corrupt staining everyone around him, and all the while producing one misfire after another. A wobbly path that leads to his currently being mired up to his neck in the upcoming Trumpian turdnato that he has, almost certainly, without much doubt helped create.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's accomplishments are legion! He barely missed his calling as a taxi driver and through a series of lucky breaks and murder became President of the Russian Federation and rode a surging resource based economy into the hearts of his countrymen and women while doing absolutely nothing at all to modernize or diversify it and instead setting up a Kleptocracy with himself as the Godfather overseeing a massive brain drain and capital flight that continues. Blew up a couple of apartment blocks of innocent families along the way. Brazenly killed off his enemies at an appalling rate both at home and abroad, the ones he couldn't be bothered to feed to his servile judiciary which stocks his mini-gulag. Corralled the Oligarchs for future disposal. Burned Chechnya, slapped down Georgia, annexed Crimea and set up Ukraine for failed state status by starting a war and promoting anything and anyone who could bring down the EU. We're still not sure how Syria is going to end but I would bet dollars to donuts that it will sink Russia further all the while being hailed as a master stroke of asymmetrical warfare by a canny opponent with limited resources.
That's why Putin is considered a "strong" leader even though he has actually failed at everything he has tried to do. He is seen as having given the Russian people their pride back. He has lifted them off their knees and handed them the tools to "Make Russia Great Again!" And he has shown them that the only way to do that is to drag down everyone else. To disrupt, corrupt, and burn the world if that's what it takes.
But he appears to have very seriously overreached himself when he meddled in the American election which resulted in the man child Trump. This will be his undoing. One can only imagine the feeling of contempt that Putin would have for someone like Donald Trump but to have invested so much into this mentally ill puff bag just to end up watching the slow motion collapse of what was to be his greatest triumph must sting. Because eventually all of Donald's dirty laundry will be hung out on the line for public viewing and Putin's visage will be there just like the Shroud of Turin and Americans will finally have had enough of Russia's meddling. They may be divided right now but as Putin knows nothing will pull together a society like a shared enemy. And Russia is about to become that enemy.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's accomplishments are legion! He barely missed his calling as a taxi driver and through a series of lucky breaks and murder became President of the Russian Federation and rode a surging resource based economy into the hearts of his countrymen and women while doing absolutely nothing at all to modernize or diversify it and instead setting up a Kleptocracy with himself as the Godfather overseeing a massive brain drain and capital flight that continues. Blew up a couple of apartment blocks of innocent families along the way. Brazenly killed off his enemies at an appalling rate both at home and abroad, the ones he couldn't be bothered to feed to his servile judiciary which stocks his mini-gulag. Corralled the Oligarchs for future disposal. Burned Chechnya, slapped down Georgia, annexed Crimea and set up Ukraine for failed state status by starting a war and promoting anything and anyone who could bring down the EU. We're still not sure how Syria is going to end but I would bet dollars to donuts that it will sink Russia further all the while being hailed as a master stroke of asymmetrical warfare by a canny opponent with limited resources.
That's why Putin is considered a "strong" leader even though he has actually failed at everything he has tried to do. He is seen as having given the Russian people their pride back. He has lifted them off their knees and handed them the tools to "Make Russia Great Again!" And he has shown them that the only way to do that is to drag down everyone else. To disrupt, corrupt, and burn the world if that's what it takes.
But he appears to have very seriously overreached himself when he meddled in the American election which resulted in the man child Trump. This will be his undoing. One can only imagine the feeling of contempt that Putin would have for someone like Donald Trump but to have invested so much into this mentally ill puff bag just to end up watching the slow motion collapse of what was to be his greatest triumph must sting. Because eventually all of Donald's dirty laundry will be hung out on the line for public viewing and Putin's visage will be there just like the Shroud of Turin and Americans will finally have had enough of Russia's meddling. They may be divided right now but as Putin knows nothing will pull together a society like a shared enemy. And Russia is about to become that enemy.
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