Sunday, August 12, 2012

Corruption 101

This is how it's done folks. From October of last year but still relevant. Note the small but very important part played by Riga's shipyard chairman and past finance minister (for all of 5 days in '97 until it became known that he had contravened the anti-corruption law by simultaneously chairing the board of Riga Shipyards and serving on the Riga port administration ) businessman and "freelance" economics adviser, Vasilijs Melniks.

I walk by his three properties out here in Babite all the time but I've yet to meet him shopping at the local Elvi or waiting on the train platform in the rain. Pffft, rich people.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Olympian Diet

Still tripping over the Curiosity landing on Mars, but this is just as awesome (awful?).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Lazy Sunday!

My iRobot M555 Roomba working out while I chill.