Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Is LinkedIn About To Be Blocked In Russia?

...and what does this mean for other internet companies as almost none of them follow the law as regards keeping servers in Russia? As Russian membership represents only 1.25% of LinkedIn's user base how will they respond?

Роскомнадзор собрался добиться блокировкисоциальной сети LinkedIn

22:13, 25 октября 2016
Надежный источник


Roskomnadzor going to achieve blocking social network LinkedIn

Kommersant 22: 13, 25 October 2016 
Nadezhny source

Roskomnadzor going to achieve blocking social network LinkedIn. The department argued that the company does not store the personal data of Russians in Russia, as provided by law.

As it turned out October 25, 2016, in August of this year, the Tagansky court agreed with the Roskomnadzor that LinkedIn should be blocked. Now the sides are preparing for the appeal. As stated in the RNS Roskomnadzor, a meeting of the Moscow City Court will be held on 11 November.

Because LinkedIn  has no official representation in Russia, Roskomnadzor asked for access to the network restriction in court.

→ Kommersant
LinkedIn is a social network designed for business networking and job search. In it hundreds of millions of people are registered, including five million Russians.

In accordance with the amendments to the law "On Personal Data", which act from September 1, 2015, all companies that handle personal data of Russians who should keep this information in Russia.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Donald Trump Likes Pussy

American politics. What a show! Even as the Putin caravan of penis envy continues to provoke conflict everywhere that might conceivably bring it up against US interests it is still eclipsed by America's preoccupation with being entertained by an orange monster so thoroughly despicable as to defy description.

Donald Trump was born for one reason and one reason only and that was to run for President of the United States as the Republican nominee in 2016 and by doing so drag America's face through a bag of hammers. Lady Liberty is going to wake up from this party with smeared mascara and a split lip. 

But will he make it? His act is so outrageous he may not survive to the finish line on November 8 being replaced by Mike Pence in a last minute hail Mary by an imploding GOP. Realistically (HA, does not apply here) I don't think that will happen. I think The Donald will pull one final act of pure crazy and simply walk away from the whole thing at the very last minute after declaring it "rigged against me."

Not likely you say? The man is remarkably thin skinned and doesn't seem to think anything he does or says can negatively impact his brand. He's 70 after all and has been in character for a long time, maybe he just doesn't care what he leaves behind. I wonder what his feral kids think about that?

EDIT: the very last minute...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Give It Up, VVP In Da House!

As much as I try to find exciting subjects in my locale that interest and directly affect me I keep getting side tracked by the ongoing antics of the international political class and it's commercial media. While there are many doomed and pitiful leaders that amuse daily, I am instead constantly directed to hyper active and surprisingly effective Doctor of Jurisprudence, international evil villian extraordinaire, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. I am usually not too surprised by the acts attributed to the Kremlin because I acknowledge the high level of Putin's conflict generating apparatus even at the expense of his citizens who he professes to represent but clearly cares not a wit about. Can you imagine what he could achieve if he were to be constructive? I am just deeply embarrassed that they can pull off even half of the acts attributed to them given the condition of the Russian Federation and the combined forces aligned against them. The West/EU has become flabby and it just goes to show that shiny toys and platitudes from fickle politicians won't carry the day against a dedicated enemy. As if that should surprise anyone! A thinking person would give credit where credit is due. So, well done Mr. Putin. You have become everyones bogeyman which I am sure serves many different agendas but most importantly, your own. 

Living in a Baltic State you could forgive me for obsessing about Putin but we consider him a hot local issue and a real danger in spite of the Kremlin's attention currently being directed elsewhere in it's pursuit of Empire. You just have to listen to the ethnic Russians voice their support and feel their anticipation. Listen to the local Russian language news channels and the perpetual outrage conveyed therein, count the pro Putin tee-shirts, Saint George ribbons, Russian flags, Putin cell phone covers, Russian Federation automobile license plates, note the superior attitudes and denigrating conversations when out and about on the beach in Jurmala, on public transport or in the shops and cafe's, etc. But now Putin has even injected himself into the greatest shit show on earth, the US Presidential race. I'm speaking about the Hillary Clinton email hack if you haven't been keeping up. The Kremlins involvement is far from a fact at this point in time but you have to admit the circumstantial evidence is starting to pile up and it would be irresponsible on our part not to speculate.

Not to be outdone by competition for the gaze of the masses the psycotically narcissistic Trump in his usual damn the torpedoes style  has climbed over Putin in an attempt to reclaim the ever moving spotlight and inadvertedly (or more likely not really caring in his crack head single minded promotion of "The Donald") removed any doubt that he is a Putin apologist and more. By actually inviting Russia to get involved in a presidential race he has in the minds of many committed an act of treason. 

The thing that all of this has in common is Putin's involvement real or imagined. Since Russia is actually at war with the West and has been for quite some time I would opine that it is more real than imagined. Call it an asymetrical non-shooting war or whatever makes you feel good but when everything is weaponized war it is.

I hate to bring it up but you Mr. Trump are hardly unique in your man love of Mr. Putin and must join a long and varied list of fellow apologists and sycophants ranging from the far left to the far right and the evangelicals, all of whom hate the current system and think that they and they alone in true fascist style could do better.

A short list off the top of my head:

pretty much anyone at Opednews or Alternet ;)

Tom Switzer, a journalist and lecturer at Sydney University

Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif, Putin arm wrestler.
John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago
Stephen F. Cohen is professor emeritus of Russian studies, history, and politics at New York University and Princeton University
Sen. Amy Klobuchar Minnesota secretary of state
Gilbert Doctorow, a like-minded Brussels-based U.S. expatriate and self-styled “professional Russia-watcher,” has had a long career in multinational business as well as scholarship and punditry. 
James Carden, the formerNational Interest columnist who is now editor of ACEWA’s website.
Robert Parry (Consortium News)

half the country

former chancellor of the SPD, Helmut Schmidt
former chancellor, Gerhard Schröder
Philipp Missfelder, the foreign affairs spokesman for the parliamentary group of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives
German feminist intellectual leader Alice Schwarzer
Armin Laschet, who heads Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party in the populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, has even warned against anti-Putin populism
Gregor Gysi, the head of the Left Party and former head of the successor party to East Germany's communists which preceded the Left Party
Left Party. Gysi's party ally, deputy chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht
conservative politician Alexander Gauland as well, if he were still in parliament. Gauland spent many years as an influential politician with Merkel's conservative CDU. Today he's a senior official with the euro-critical, conservative, Alternative for Germany party (AFD).
Klaus von Dohnanyi would question the inviolability of European borders. Dohnanyi is a conservative Social Democrat and enjoys widespread respect among CDU politicians as well. He is the personification of Germany's political center.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has said the European Union should phase out sanctions against Russia. Steinmeier has also criticized NATO military exercises in Eastern Europe,calling them "warmongering."
Liam Halligan, author of a weekly Economics Agenda column in The Sunday Telegraph. He has lived in Russia and between 2007 and 2013 was Chief Economist at Prosperity Capital Management - the world’s largest asset-management company that specialises in Russia/CIS investments.

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has also called for a phasing out of sanctions and for the EU to improve relations with Russia.


University of Ottawa Russian Studies professor Paul Robinson

And on and on it goes. Feel free to add to that list or submit that someone should be removed and why you think so.

Why is it that so many westerners fall for the Kremlin propaganda and blame Russia's bad behaviour on NATO or western leaders various and sundry? It is clear that Putin made a calculation a long time ago that to achieve and maintain power he was going to have to build a cult of personality that criminaly cannabalized itself while he blamed his inability to drag Russia into the modern world on the west or the EU or whoever was convenient on any particular day. Drag down the enemy at any cost so Russia and Putin's shortcomings are not so readily apparent.

Look long down that road you apologists are travelling and don't be surprised at what comes your way when it finally hits the fan because you will be on record. Looking long and hard at you Mr. Trump.

<EDIT> Add to the list one Michael Flynn – former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Trump flunky

Friday, July 8, 2016

Four Sites Calling For Boycotting Russian Elections Blocked

Russian state censor blocks 4 political websites for calling on voters to boycott upcoming parliamentary elections

14:53, 8 july 2016
Russia's government censor, Roskomnadzor, has blocked four political websites on the grounds that they published calls to boycott the country's parliamentary elections this September.
“In addition to calling on citizens to boycott the elections, the Web resources facilitated the coordinating activities of citizens organizing protests to be held in violation of civil statutes,” Roskomnadzor announced in an official statement, saying its actions are a response to orders from the Attorney General's Office.
Roskomnadzor's press release does not specify which four websites it blocked.
Activities to organize disruptions of elections in the lower house of parliament undermine the constitutional foundation of the Russian Federation, according to which the highest direct expression of authority of the multinational people of Russia is referenda and free elections.

Роскомнадзор заблокировал четыре сайта, призывавшие бойкотировать выборы в Госдуму

время публикации: 15:00 
последнее обновление: 15:48

Роскомнадзор заблокировал четыре сайта, на которых были размещены призывы бойкотировать выборы в Государственную Думу, намеченные на сентябрь 2016 года. Названия ресурсов в сообщении ведомства о блокировке не приводятся.
С требованием ограничить доступ к сайтам в Роскомнадзор обратилась Генпрокуратура РФ. "Указанные в требовании публикации содержат материалы агитационного характера с целью популяризировать среди населения России идею бойкота выборов в Государственную Думу Российской Федерации", - сообщает пресс-служба ведомства.
Помимо призывов к бойкоту выборов в Госдуму VII созыва на заблокированных сайтах "осуществлялась координация действий граждан по организации протестных акций, проводимых с нарушением установленного порядка", говорится в сообщении Роскомнадзора.
Указанные в требовании Генпрокуратуры ссылки включены в единый реестр запрещенной информации, отметили в ведомстве. С двух интернет-ресурсов к моменту написания заметки противоправная информация была удалена. Доступ к двум другим сайтам блокируется операторами связи.
В Роскомнадзоре предупредили, что, в соответствии с требованием Генпрокуратуры, ведомство проводит мониторинг распространения указанной информации в интернете. "В случае копирования противоправной информации на других сайтах, они также будут включены в реестр, доступ к ним будет ограничен", - подчеркивается в пресс-релизе.
Кроме того, в Роскомнадзоре отметили, что "деятельность по организации срыва выборов в нижнюю палату парламента подрывает основы конституционного строя РФ, согласно которым высшим непосредственным выражением власти многонационального народа РФ являются референдум и свободные выборы". О том, что высшим непосредственным выражением власти народа являются референдум и свободные выборы, говорится в статье 3 Конституции РФ.
Двумя днями ранее председатель Центризбиркома РФ Элла Памфилова сообщила, что 24 из 74 российских партий, имеющих право участвовать в выборах, уведомили ЦИК о проведении своих предвыборных съездов. Глава комитета напомнила, что в полночь 13 июля завершается первый этап избирательной кампании: партии, выдвинувшие федеральные списки кандидатов и списки кандидатов по одномандатным избирательным округам, должны представить их в ЦИК России, сообщило РИА "Новости". По данным ТАСС, первой партией, чей предвыборный список был заверен Центризбиркомом, стала ЛДПР.
Выборы в Госдуму седьмого созыва состоятся в единый день голосования 18 сентября. Впервые после долгого перерыва они проводятся по смешанной системе: 225 депутатов будут избираться по партийным спискам, 225 - по одномандатным округам. Одновременно в 39 субъектах пройдут выборы депутатов региональных законодательных собраний, в семи субъектах - прямые выборы губернаторов и глав республик.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brexit, A Stroke Of Incredible Idiocy. Or Just Brits Having A Stroke?

Two recent events which have awoken me to the precarious state of affairs in this part of the world, as if I needed any more examples.

  • First was the recent vote in Russia's State Duma regarding ultra-conservative Irina Yarovaya's anti terrorism bill which is a hugely repressive bill that should have all Russians feeling the fear. But it's what was stripped from the bill that is the eye opener and promises that there is more to come in future. From the link:

Revoking people's citizenship. Before the second reading of the legislation, Yarovaya and her coauthors proposed various grounds for revoking Russians' citizenship. This would have applied in several circumstances, including anyone convicted of terrorist or extremist crimes, and even Russians who cooperated with certain kinds of international organizations.
Revoking people's right to leave the country. The legislation's first reading also proposed banning foreign travel for anyone who received an “official warning” regarding “the inadmissibility of illegal actions committed.” This would have applied extrajudicially. For the second reading, lawmakers changed the amendment, proposing foreign travel restrictions only on Russians with outstanding or unexpunged convictions for certain crimes (namely, terrorism and extremism). In the end, the State Duma decided to drop these reforms altogether. 
Why these amendments appeared in the legislation after its first reading and disappeared on the eve of the second reading remains unknown.
If you aren't a Russian living/working abroad You probably won't see how dangerous these two amendments were, but trust me. It's bad.

  • The second is the Brexit win in the UK's referendum. 

Now I have always had a good chuckle watching Nigel Farage chew up the pompous blowhards in the European Parliament as he has a vicious tongue and it is a real joy to observe it used against parasitic bureaucrats, but the man is a dangerous idiot. As is that lumbering bag of cottage cheese ex-mayor of London Boris Johnson. I woke up yesterday to discover to my absolute amazement that these two cretins had actually convinced 52% of the UK voters to vote for Brexit, this after going to sleep peacefully the previous evening having being informed by the exit polls that Remain held the lead and all was well. Even Nigel Farage had forelornly admitted things were not going his way. I have come to the conclusion that polls are for dogs.

The UK has had a day to reflect upon the consequences of this vote and eyebrows are starting to twitch and noses curl at the can of worms that has been opened. What have we learned?

  1. Well, to no ones surprise far right leaders across Europe are now clamouring for their own referendums. From the Netherlands Geert Wilders, Hungary's Victor Orban to Frances Kremlin financed Marine Le Pen. Soon to come Austria, Italy, Greece... everyone else? Putin is rolling around on the flying deck of one of his yachts off shore of one of his palaces Silvio Berlusconi helped him purchase rubbing his hands together at the self-destruction he is witnessing. "Sanctions, what are these sanctions of which you speak?" Followed by insane laughter as he peels off his shirt and leaps into the Med to wrestle a Bull shark.
  2. The UK is by no means uniform in it's desire to leave which is normal enough. But since the UK is cobbled together in a rather messy fashion it should surprise no one that Scotland wants to stay in the EU and to accomplish this now wants it's second referendum on leaving the UK, Ireland is talking about reunification between North & South meaning, well who knows? London wants to be a city-state remaining in the EU. New desires are manifesting themselves by the minute. 
  3. Taking the prize for short sightedness Cornwall which voted Brexit expects the subsidies it used to get from the EU development fund to now be financed by the British taxpayers. Between 2007 and 2013 alone, the region received 654 million euros (512 million pounds) in subsidies, with an additional 604 million euros planned by 2020. That's just Cornwall!
  4. And it's hard not to note how society has been split by this issue, this referendum result. This poorly conceived power play by David Cameron. Old and young, regions and cities, political parties. Yes, quite a mess that will now have to be cleaned up, but by who?

Attempting a spectactular save the idea is now being floated by some that the referendum is not legally binding and is just a suggestion requiring further negotiation. Infinite negotiations. The Danes have had eight referendums on very specific questions regarding the EU after all. And this is why Jean-Claude Juncker and pretty much everyone else in a EU leadership position are saying clearly and loudly that it's a shame you voted to leave but get it over with and lets move on. You have two years.

Well done lads, well done.

<EDIT> Now they want a 2nd referendum. 2.5 million sign a petition to redo the thing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Latvian Independence Day 2016

Best thoughts go out to Latvia on it's 26th Declaration of Independence Day on this sunny spring May 4th morning. As of July 2, 2015 it is no longer mandatory to fly the flag on residential property as it was found by the constitutional court to be (wait for it) unconstitutional. Previous to this a fine of 40 Euro was applied to those who did not comply of which there were some 248 fines levied in Riga alone for 2014. Even though some fine citizens felt that not forcing folks to honour the national symbol of the countries flag would cause a general erosion of civil society after some years here I have observed no decrease in flag flying, waving, wearing or what have you on this day since the court made it's ruling because one faces some pressure from ones neighbors to comply and this is no small thing in such a small conservative country as Latvia. We aren't even citizens but Mrs. TRex & I have a tiny one in our window. Just to be safe.

So let your freak flag fly today Latvia! Just play safe if you know what I mean, and I think that you do. ;)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Always Twirling Twirling Towards Freedom.

I cannot stand it anymore. I am tired of lurking around the comment sections of other blogs picking at the crumbs which fall from thier table. If I want to debase myself publically I should have enough self-respect to be in total control. Of my debasement. In public. The Twitter is a quick 140 character fix for what ails me but like crack you are loading the pipe for the next hit even before you've peaked from the previous one.

And while I haven't gained any more credability than I had before I've come to grips with the fact that no one else has any eigther. It's a mark of our times.

So I figure it's just easier to fire up the old blog and start this horrible year off with as little effort as I can muster, because mark my words. It is going to be a horrible year.