Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Is LinkedIn About To Be Blocked In Russia?

...and what does this mean for other internet companies as almost none of them follow the law as regards keeping servers in Russia? As Russian membership represents only 1.25% of LinkedIn's user base how will they respond?

Роскомнадзор собрался добиться блокировкисоциальной сети LinkedIn

22:13, 25 октября 2016
Надежный источник


Roskomnadzor going to achieve blocking social network LinkedIn

Kommersant 22: 13, 25 October 2016 
Nadezhny source

Roskomnadzor going to achieve blocking social network LinkedIn. The department argued that the company does not store the personal data of Russians in Russia, as provided by law.

As it turned out October 25, 2016, in August of this year, the Tagansky court agreed with the Roskomnadzor that LinkedIn should be blocked. Now the sides are preparing for the appeal. As stated in the RNS Roskomnadzor, a meeting of the Moscow City Court will be held on 11 November.

Because LinkedIn  has no official representation in Russia, Roskomnadzor asked for access to the network restriction in court.

→ Kommersant
LinkedIn is a social network designed for business networking and job search. In it hundreds of millions of people are registered, including five million Russians.

In accordance with the amendments to the law "On Personal Data", which act from September 1, 2015, all companies that handle personal data of Russians who should keep this information in Russia.

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