Friday, January 1, 2016

Always Twirling Twirling Towards Freedom.

I cannot stand it anymore. I am tired of lurking around the comment sections of other blogs picking at the crumbs which fall from thier table. If I want to debase myself publically I should have enough self-respect to be in total control. Of my debasement. In public. The Twitter is a quick 140 character fix for what ails me but like crack you are loading the pipe for the next hit even before you've peaked from the previous one.

And while I haven't gained any more credability than I had before I've come to grips with the fact that no one else has any eigther. It's a mark of our times.

So I figure it's just easier to fire up the old blog and start this horrible year off with as little effort as I can muster, because mark my words. It is going to be a horrible year. 


  1. Hi,
    I just spent some time reading and skimming (but mostly reading) through your blog. Have you left Latvia forever? It just seemed like that from your post at the beginning of 2015. I'm really sorry that you had such difficult experiences here. I've been fortunate enough to have avoided or been somewhat isolated from such crap - like neighbours assaulting me and corrupt cops/prosecutors - but it's a shame that life here has been hard on you. How are you and your wife doing now? Has she, can she get Latvian citizenship? Wishing you all the best in this New Year,

    1. Things have settled a bit from the early days but the experience will forever colour our views. Still here but focused on other places which means a repurposing of this blog which will become more general. Thanks for the kind thoughts M.
